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Looking for a dumpster rental company that’s reputable and affordable?
At Dial-a-Dumpster we make dumpster rental simple, cost-effective and convenient.
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Dumpsters for:
Why Choose Dial-a-Dumpster?

Great Low Prices - Competitive pricing on
all dumpster rentals. No hidden
surcharges of any kind!

Easy Online Ordering – Fill out our
contact  form and we will get back to you
within the hour with a full quote.​

Flexible Rental Periods – We offer anywhere
from 1 day to 21 days standard rental
periods. Service available 7 days a week​.

Telephone Support – We care about our
customers and strive to make your experience
with us the best ever. We are available 24/7
for any questions and problems you may have.​

© Gregs Landscaping



Click Below to schedule a lesson or rental now!


What is SUP?


STAND UP PADDLE BOARDING is one of the fastest growing sports to hit the water. Some say  It’s what snowboarding was to  the snow in the 80's. Stand Up Paddleboarding is a cross between canoe paddling and long-board surfing and can be done on almost any body of water.


Why should YOU try Stand Up Paddleboarding?


Well, if you enjoy sightseeing, surfing, or just exploring, all the while getting one of the best full body workouts you can experience, then SUP is the sport for you. SUP can be done on any lake or river, in calm water or waves. It can provide healthy family fun or a great workout for the adventurous athlete and all you need is a board and a paddle.The activities on a stand up paddle board are endless. You can enjoy surfing, yoga, SUP racing, and Tandem just to name a few.  So if you’re looking to try something new and exciting, just give us a call. We’d love to help get you started in this great new sport. 

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